How to Reset LED Strip Lights: 6 Easy Steps

How to Reset LED Strip Lights

If you’re looking to reset your LED strip lights, you’re in the right place. Resetting your lights can be a simple and effective way to fix any issues you may be experiencing, such as flickering or uneven lighting.

However, sometimes LED light strips need to be reset. This is usually due to problems with the electrical connection, or with the strip itself. If you’re experiencing problems with your LED strip lights, resetting them may be the solution.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to reset LED strip lights, so you can get them back to their full, bright potential. But there are several reasons why the LED strip light needs to be reset.

Why Do LED light strips need to be reset?

LED light strips can need to be reset for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most common reason is due to connectivity issues. If the strip isn’t properly connected to its power source, it won’t work correctly. It’s important to make sure that all connections are secure and tight before attempting any troubleshooting steps.

Another common cause for needing to reset LED strip lights is a change in the power supply. Power fluctuations or even a complete shutdown of the power source can cause problems with the lights. When this happens, it’s often necessary to reset the lights in order for them to operate correctly again.

A third reason why LED light strips may need to be reset is because of problems with the controller. This could be due to a malfunctioning or outdated controller, or simply that you want to reconfigure your lighting system. In either case, it’s likely you’ll need to reset your lights if you want them to work properly again.

Finally, it’s possible that LED lights will need resetting after being used over a long period of time. The LED strip itself can start malfunctioning due to wear and tear over time, so if you’ve had your lights for years it might be necessary to do a reset in order to keep them functioning properly going forward.

How to reset LED Strip light?

6 Steps on How to Reset LED Strip Lights

While this may seem daunting at first, following the proper steps to reset LED strip lights can ensure that your LED strip lighting stays working as intended and remains bright and functional for years and years into the future. Below are the steps to follow:

  1. First, make sure that your LED strip lights are completely disconnected from the power source. You can do this by unplugging any cords or wires that are connected to the lights.
  2. Once you’ve done that, check all of the connections between the LED light strips and the power supply. Make sure all wires and cords are tightly secure, so there is no risk of poor connection when resetting your lights.
  3. Now it’s time to reset LED strip lights themselves. The most common way to do this is by either resetting the LED remote controller if you have one or by flipping a switch between “on” and “off” positions for several seconds at a time until the lights reset themselves.
  4. If neither of those methods works, then you can simply disconnect each set of LED light strips from each other, starting with the last set and working backward towards the first set. This will help ensure that all sets of light strips are properly disengaged from each other before resetting them individually.
  5. Finally, reconnect each set of LED strip lights back together in reverse order – starting with the first set and moving down again – and plug them into your power supply once more. Then hit the “reset” button or flip the switch again for several seconds until your LEDs flash or turn on brightly again, indicating that they have been successfully reset!
  6. Once your LED strip lights have been successfully reset, test them out to make sure they’re functioning properly before putting them back in place around your house or office space!

Here is a quick 30-second video to help you reset the LED strip light.

Troubleshooting Common Issues while Resetting LED Light Strips

  • If the LED light strips are not turning on or are flickering, check the power supply to make sure it is providing the correct voltage and amperage.
  • If the LED light strips are not responding to the controller, try resetting the controller by unplugging it and then plugging it back in.
  • If the LED light strips are still not responding, try using a different controller to see if the issue is with the controller itself.
  • If the LED light strips are not evenly lit or are not displaying the correct colors, make sure that all of the strips are securely connected and that the connections are not loose.
  • If the LED light strips are still not working properly, try cutting the power to the strips for a few minutes and then turning them back on to reset them.
  • If all else fails, consult the manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide or customer support for assistance.


In conclusion, resetting LED strip lights is a straightforward process that can rectify many common issues such as color inconsistencies, connectivity problems, or unresponsive controls. Following a clear, step-by-step approach not only ensures that the LED strips function as intended but also extends their lifespan by correcting errors that might otherwise cause long-term damage. The six easy steps typically involve turning off the power, waiting a specified period, and then reactivating the lights in a sequence that signals the system to restore factory settings. This process effectively clears any settings that may have been incorrectly applied or that have become corrupted, restoring the LED strip lights to their original state of operation.

Furthermore, regularly performing a reset on your LED strip lights can help maintain their efficiency and functionality. It’s a preventive measure that keeps the lighting system running smoothly, much like rebooting a computer to clear system errors and improve performance. For users integrating LED strip lights into smart home systems, ensuring that these lights consistently perform at their best is crucial for achieving optimal lighting scenes and functionality throughout the home. Understanding how to properly reset your LED strip lights not only saves time and frustration but also enhances the overall user experience by ensuring that the lights always perform as expected, thereby maximizing both the aesthetic and functional benefits of your lighting investment.

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